Written by: Chris Williams
What's the matter with all of us?
What's the deal with all the fuss?
Never understood discrimination
After all, we're God's creation
Yellow, red, brown, black, or white
We're born into this kind of life
And if God came to you and asked
If you had a problem with all of that
What would you tell Him in reply?
Could you really look Him in the eye?
There's something within you and me
Something that makes us want serenity
And that's something else people hate
I just keep praying its not too late
People hunted down for their beliefs
Seeing less of that would be a relief
Why should it really matter if you
Are Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu?
It is just another way of life
Yet some are made to live in strife
Diversity makes this world beautiful
But its uglied by those who're hateful
So why don't you look within yourself
Go ahead, you look like everyone else
Love people for what they are within
Never judge by their religion or skin
We're all different, but we're the same
Not being able to see that is a shame
And I have absolutely no doubt
That in time, it will all work out
Poet's Note: In the world today, people are hated because of religion or the color of their skin, or perhaps both. I think the last stanza of this poem tells how I feel about. Diversity is beautiful. so many religions in this world, so many races and skin colors. It's all amazing, and I love it. Love Everybody!