Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Christmas Feast | POEM

The Christmas Feast

Written by: Chris Williams

Its that special time of year
It always bring me to tears
All the food; its quite a joy
Christmas cookies, oh, boy
Candy canes with great big stripes
And let's not forget the pecan pie
There's always turkey and ham
Maybe even some candy yams

The food is the greatest reason
For any of the holiday seasons
But this one is so hard to beat
Because it's just one big feast
And you'll never hear a peep from me
When I indulge myself and overeat
So why should I feel ashamed
Cuz I know I'm not to blame

I can't help that it's so good
And here I sit, like I knew I would
Moaning, but its not my fault
I ate and ate until I couldn't walk
I can't believe that it could hurt
And now its time for dessert
I guess I'll just miss out on some
Aw, who am I kidding? Here I come!

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