Friday, January 18, 2008

Chunky Monkey | POEM

Chunky Monkey
Written by: Chris Williams

My baby looks really great
But she complains about her weight
I think she's just so pretty
And I know how much she loves me
But nothing makes me feel so lucky
Than my beautiful chunky monkey

When she wraps me so close in her arms
I know she keeps me safe from harm
I make a joke to see her laugh
She's the best that any man could have
But when her hair gets all funky
I just love to call her chunky monkey

Now, this poem might be made just for fun
But I mean no harm with my little pun
She's my little Asha, my one true love
I'm carried away with a kiss and a hug
I'm proud of her, and her of me
That's why she's my chunky monkey


Anonymous said...

You write such good poetry! Could I have your autograph, Mr Williams? Pweaaaaaaaaseee? It's for my *coughs* sick *coughs* nephew, he loves your work =P

emperorinsanity said...

I'll see about an autograph for your sick nephew. Maybe even on a nice picture of myself. lol

73 poems. . . 67 if you don't count the 6 Christmas themed ones. Maybe he'd like one of those with an autograph? :P

Anonymous said...

Mr Williams, the kid's dying here. And yet you seem reluctant! Such arrogance! Guess we were all wrong about you, you snobbish artsy fartsy linguist!


*throws rotten cookies at you*